『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2019/05/31/200139
パスタ 100g(5分茹でタイプ)
ソーセージ 2本
玉ねぎ 1/4個
塩昆布 2〜3つまみ
水 250cc
バター 5g
しょうゆ 小さじ1
白ごま 大さじ1
ブラックペッパー 適量
【Kelp butter soy sauce pasta】
Today, I made “Sausage salt, seaweed, kelp butter, soy sauce pasta”, which is made in a microwave oven.
It is getting hot soon, so the microwave oven is a big success! ! Put the pasta and ingredients in a heat-resistant container and cook in the oven!
It’s quick and easy to do. The salty kelp is used, so the flavor comes out well, and the aroma of butter soy sauce will make you feel appetite.
The materials are easy and the way to make is super simple. Is it early for lunch tomorrow?
100g of pasta
Two sausages
1/4 onion
Salted kelp 2〜3 knobs
Water 250cc
Butter 5g
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp white sesame
Black pepper amount
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楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/